For any one going into garri processing, the following machinery, equipment and accessories
are most essential. They are grating machine, fermentation tanks, hydraulic press, sifting
unit, fryer(s), dryer(s), and milling machine. Of course other accessories like knives for
peeling, wheelbarrows, basins, weighing scales etc are also important. The machines produce
consistently high quality garri and are considered adequate for any entrepreneur. Petrol
engines power them. Because of this, the need to rely on PHCN Ltd’s supply of electricity or
even of providing a stand-by generator to supplement power supply from external source is
avoided. This drastically reduces the total investment cost and increases the output and
profit available to the business because of the reduction in the running cost in the year.
The rub-off effects on the project are immense. This will let more people now go into
commercial processing as a profitable venture quite unlike before when the scale was small
or left completely to the villagers with their inadequate processing methods and low output.
Garri Production Processes: These are simple, straightforward and involve the washing of the
harvested and peeled cassava tubers with clean water, grating these and fermenting the
grated slurry. Thereafter, the slurry is dewatered, granulated, fried, dried, milled and
packaged ready for the market. Garri can be fried white as processed or with palm oil added
to give it the yellowish colour to satisfy those customers that like the coloured type.
Packaging bags of various types and sizes are used eg 10kg, 25kg, 50kg, 100kg or 200kg.
Because of space limitation, the detailed description, the essential quality control
procedures and other success factors can’t be discussed here. They, as well as the detailed
costing and sources of input, machinery and equipment etc, should be contained in a well-
packaged, realistic and bankable feasibility report, which is an essential pre-requisite for
the successful implementation of this project.
Labour Requirement: The number, calibre and cost of labour will depend on the scale and
extent of integration to be embarked upon by the entrepreneur. For instance, he will need
more hands if he’s to include a farm than when he’s processing the tubers purchased from the
farmers and the markets. The actual labour requirement will be determined at the feasibility
study stage after the scale of operation of the plant has been determined by the promoter.
Garri Fortification: Generally, garri has very low protein content. Because of this, an
entrepreneur can mix supplements with garri at the pre-gelatinisation stage of processing in
order to produce more homogeneous and enriched finished product, which is important to
enhance acceptability.
Manually prepared garri normally has very short shelf life (depending on its water content)
but the one prepared using the equipment and the processes described above has a shelf life
of 12 months or more when packaged in heat-sealed polythene bags. It also has protein
content of between 9% and 10%. The protein sources used here are soya beans, groundnuts,
pigeon peas, bambaya beans etc. The technology is tested and locally available for any one
interested in acquiring it.
Project Cost: The estimated total cost will depend on such factors as whether or not the
promoter is going to include a farm, the scale of operation planned, the location of the
venture, the source of the relevant plant and machinery etc. These will be determined when
the feasibility study will be carried out. However, the total project cost will include such
expenditures as farm establishment, machinery and equipment, utilities, motor vehicles,
office equipment, fittings and furniture, working capital and contingency. The prospective
investor is advised to research thoroughly every aspect of the project before investing in
it. This he can do himself or in conjunction with an experienced industrial development
Profitability: Research carried out recently by this writer while preparing this write-up
shows that profit before tax in the sale of cassava farm proceeds is over 58% while that of
garri plant is over 36%. These are considered profitable ventures that the entrepreneurially
minded are encouraged to take up and implement. Project Justification: The project is
profitable. The raw material is available everywhere in the country and all the year round.
With a well-articulated programme one can have his raw material supply from the out-grower-
farmers, the market and his farm. The market for garri is very large and expanding locally.
There are high prospects for export. Other indirect and secondary benefits include regular
employment creation, decreased consumer prices, stable supply of garri throughout the year,
improved physical and nutritional quality, longer shelf life of garri and the linkage of the
small scale farmers to expanding alternative market thus generating income opportunities for
In the event that you need to acquire a deeper understanding and knowledge about cassava,
its cultivation, its processing into numerous by-products, their export, addresses of
overseas importers etc you can order for this writer’s hold-me-by-the-hand, step-by-step
guidebook entitled Lucrative Investment Opportunities In Cassava Cultivation, Processing And
Those investors who are keenly interested in knowing further what it takes generally to
establish this project and indeed any other projects in terms of the details of the sources
and costs of equipment and other various fixed assets, labour and acceptable management
practices for optimum yield but who do not need a bankable feasibility report prepared for
them can request from this writer for a copy of The Comprehensive Industrial Profile On
Protein-Enriched Garri Production
Saturday, 7 July 2012
making Garri 1
GARRI is processed from freshly harvested cassava tubers. A fermented, gelatinous flour, it
is the number one staple carbohydrate food item in Nigeria and in some other countries of
Africa. Garri can be exported to earn foreign exchange most especially in those countries
where the concentration of African ethnic blacks is very high e.g. the USA, European Union
etc. Nigeria’s population is exploding and this has positive effects on the demand for most
staple foods especially garri. Although garri can be chewed raw and swallowed it finds its
greatest use when soaked in hot water, pounded or turned and afterwards eaten with any of
the various types of nourishing soups often prepared for the purpose.
Garri Market: Nigeria, with the output of not less than 40 million metric tonnes (MT) per
annum of cassava tubers is the world’s largest producer. But despite this, Nigeria is not
even mentioned as one of the exporters of processed cassava products. The simple reason is
that most of its cassava roots output is consumed locally. This is done directly by
processors of cassava chips, pellets, flour, starch, glucose, adhesives etc and indirectly
by textile, pharmaceutical, food etc industries. There’s therefore a large and continuous
demand not only for cassava tubers but also its derivatives.
Despite its domestic production, garri prices are not in any way coming down. The high
prices are attributable to high demand for garri as a result of increasing population,
general inflation in the country, export of the product and the vagaries of weather. The
last factor directly affects the output of cassava tubers in the year. In spite of all these
and other inhibiting factors, the demand for garri keeps rising in our homes and eateries of
all sorts. Because of our rapidly expanding population, urban and industrial centres, anyone
who goes into the commercial production of garri especially now that the various tiers of
government are laying greater emphasis on agriculture than was the case in the past (with
cassava as the arrowhead), will make a lot of money for himself. This is because with the
governments’ food security initiative and the unrelenting drive for the provision of agric-
based raw materials, cassava tubers will be abundantly available for processing garri and
other cassava products.
In addition, the investor can be sure of a steadily rising demand in the local market. Garri
has great export potential when sold in a better organised and packaged manner and greater
volume than is being done presently whereby small quantities are packaged and sent overseas
to some of the Africans there that are hungry to taste home food products. Available
evidence points to the fact that many of them will readily pay for this and other ethnic
food items they can lay their hands on.
Raw Materials: The main raw material for garri processing is the cassava tubers. Cassava has
been a major food crop in Nigeria for over a century. It has many varieties and these are
grouped into two types (bitter and sweet) for economic convenience. The fresh bitter types,
which contain hydrocyanic acid, are processed into garri, chips, pellets etc. These are 100%
locally available in all of the 36 states of the country. A feedback from many parts of the
county indicate signs of on-coming abundance of cassava harvest resulting from the
cultivation done in the last two years. For more information on this and every aspect of
cassava, ask for this writer’s hold-me-by-the-hand, step-by-step guidebook entitled The
Untapped Investment Opportunities In Cassava Cultivation, Processing And Exporting.
Availability and continued supply of cassava tubers are very crucial for the success of a
garri-processing venture. For this reason any serious-minded investor is advised to put in
place a mechanism to ensure these by incorporating into the project the establishment of his
own cassava farm no matter how small it is. He can also get into forward purchase contract
with small holders to grow for him. Because harvested cassava does not store well for long
after their harvest, the project of necessity has to be located near the supply source of
cassava tubers in order to avoid their deterioration and hence the quality and quantity of
the processed garri. Also this will help reduce the cost of transportation and this will
directly affect the profit margin of the project at the year-end.
Machinery And Equipment: The village method of manually processing garri is considered
relatively unhygienic, crude, un-economic, time-consuming, tedious, unduly labour-intensive
and incapable of producing enough from the available tubers to feed the teeming population
and for export. For these reasons, the plant being contemplated here is a radical departure
from the traditional method. It is mechanical and utilises the machinery and equipment
fabricated and tested locally to be functioning effectively and efficiently. Fortunately,
there are many good fabricators that can give the investor plants of any desired capacity.
For a comprehensive list of these, you can order for a copy of The Directory Of Industrial
Machinery Fabricators And Suppliers In Nigeria.
is the number one staple carbohydrate food item in Nigeria and in some other countries of
Africa. Garri can be exported to earn foreign exchange most especially in those countries
where the concentration of African ethnic blacks is very high e.g. the USA, European Union
etc. Nigeria’s population is exploding and this has positive effects on the demand for most
staple foods especially garri. Although garri can be chewed raw and swallowed it finds its
greatest use when soaked in hot water, pounded or turned and afterwards eaten with any of
the various types of nourishing soups often prepared for the purpose.
Garri Market: Nigeria, with the output of not less than 40 million metric tonnes (MT) per
annum of cassava tubers is the world’s largest producer. But despite this, Nigeria is not
even mentioned as one of the exporters of processed cassava products. The simple reason is
that most of its cassava roots output is consumed locally. This is done directly by
processors of cassava chips, pellets, flour, starch, glucose, adhesives etc and indirectly
by textile, pharmaceutical, food etc industries. There’s therefore a large and continuous
demand not only for cassava tubers but also its derivatives.
Despite its domestic production, garri prices are not in any way coming down. The high
prices are attributable to high demand for garri as a result of increasing population,
general inflation in the country, export of the product and the vagaries of weather. The
last factor directly affects the output of cassava tubers in the year. In spite of all these
and other inhibiting factors, the demand for garri keeps rising in our homes and eateries of
all sorts. Because of our rapidly expanding population, urban and industrial centres, anyone
who goes into the commercial production of garri especially now that the various tiers of
government are laying greater emphasis on agriculture than was the case in the past (with
cassava as the arrowhead), will make a lot of money for himself. This is because with the
governments’ food security initiative and the unrelenting drive for the provision of agric-
based raw materials, cassava tubers will be abundantly available for processing garri and
other cassava products.
In addition, the investor can be sure of a steadily rising demand in the local market. Garri
has great export potential when sold in a better organised and packaged manner and greater
volume than is being done presently whereby small quantities are packaged and sent overseas
to some of the Africans there that are hungry to taste home food products. Available
evidence points to the fact that many of them will readily pay for this and other ethnic
food items they can lay their hands on.
Raw Materials: The main raw material for garri processing is the cassava tubers. Cassava has
been a major food crop in Nigeria for over a century. It has many varieties and these are
grouped into two types (bitter and sweet) for economic convenience. The fresh bitter types,
which contain hydrocyanic acid, are processed into garri, chips, pellets etc. These are 100%
locally available in all of the 36 states of the country. A feedback from many parts of the
county indicate signs of on-coming abundance of cassava harvest resulting from the
cultivation done in the last two years. For more information on this and every aspect of
cassava, ask for this writer’s hold-me-by-the-hand, step-by-step guidebook entitled The
Untapped Investment Opportunities In Cassava Cultivation, Processing And Exporting.
Availability and continued supply of cassava tubers are very crucial for the success of a
garri-processing venture. For this reason any serious-minded investor is advised to put in
place a mechanism to ensure these by incorporating into the project the establishment of his
own cassava farm no matter how small it is. He can also get into forward purchase contract
with small holders to grow for him. Because harvested cassava does not store well for long
after their harvest, the project of necessity has to be located near the supply source of
cassava tubers in order to avoid their deterioration and hence the quality and quantity of
the processed garri. Also this will help reduce the cost of transportation and this will
directly affect the profit margin of the project at the year-end.
Machinery And Equipment: The village method of manually processing garri is considered
relatively unhygienic, crude, un-economic, time-consuming, tedious, unduly labour-intensive
and incapable of producing enough from the available tubers to feed the teeming population
and for export. For these reasons, the plant being contemplated here is a radical departure
from the traditional method. It is mechanical and utilises the machinery and equipment
fabricated and tested locally to be functioning effectively and efficiently. Fortunately,
there are many good fabricators that can give the investor plants of any desired capacity.
For a comprehensive list of these, you can order for a copy of The Directory Of Industrial
Machinery Fabricators And Suppliers In Nigeria.
selling soap
You will agree that nothing is more depressing than being flat broke or unemployed.
For those of you that are gainfully employed, the knowledge that you can’t afford to quit your job or take the risk in changing careers.
Towards the end of last year, I was doing a lot of brainstorming and research for the kind of business that an individual can implement without significant interference with a regular salary job.
While search results showed several opportunities ranging from online stuffs (quite difficult to understand) to real estate (high capital involvement), I decided to come up with a list of what qualities the business should have.
They included:
Reasonable start-up capital (not more than N50k); there is no amount of money that is used in business that cannot be lost N50k or N50m; especially if you are just starting
Reasonable operating cost
Time involvement should be flexible enough as not to interfere significantly with a regular job
Profit margin should be greater than interest on fixed deposit or Treasury Bills (something more than 10% will be cool)
Potential for growth
As you would guess, it was quite difficult.
Nevertheless, I came across one that had some process I normally have issues with and that is network marketing. I closed my doors completely and didn’t give any attention.
However, with a second look I realized it is more of what I would refer to as an “Hybrid” i.e. a mix of both business and network marketing. In fact, after proper analysis and now experience, I figured out that there are more immediate business gains (Direct Income) than could be anticipated in the network marketing benefits (Passive Income).
So I decided to give it a shot; the business opportunity was revealed precisely in November 2011.
You can decide not to bother so much on the Network marketing; nonetheless, you will definitely make good profit. I have always wondered.
I have waited this long to benefit directly before sharing this with people, especially to you as an employee or unemployed person.
Just before you begin to think I wouldn’t tell you the name in NL, I will.
It is Oyinlewa Black Soap Marketing Business. I have wondered why I hardly find information with respect to this product and its sales here on Nairaland in spite of its transparency and genuineness up till now that I have been participating at least.
Let me highlight some of the benefits here as best as I can:
Direct Income
You will receive promotional items to boost your sales and marketing efforts.
I can assure you that you will have a margin of nothing less than 20% on this product You wouldn't believe it!
No Excessive Stocking of Product
From my explanation above, you would realize you won't have any cause to rent a shop or large warehouse to store the product. You can keep the product in any part of your house. This is a business you can start from home. The product comes in cartons and they are quite handy and easy to carry around.
Low start up Capital
You will need to get the product mentioned above after registering as a distributor. I will teach you how and where to get the product.
The amount you would pay varies from N7,000 to N28,000 it would also determine the amount of samples you would get.
If you would agree with me, this is a reasonable amount to experiment (to say the least) with a business.
Quality Product
Oyinlewa Black Soap is a proudly African product made from a perfect blend of natural ingredients. It is approved by NAFDAC. Black soap is generally accepted by Nigerians and Foreigners. It is very effective in the treatment of skin infections and it is very mild on d skin.
There is a multilevel marketing side of the business that does not put you under any pressure in anyway.
One of the issues I had with some MLM is that I couldn’t imagine myself selling health product to people without being qualified, I considered it a sensitive area.
However, I consider it very easy and comfortable for me telling people about soap- 90% of Nigerians use soap every day anyway.
Black soap is also used in Neighbouring African countries. It is also used in the western world. The truth is that the product can be sold within and outside Nigeria.
For those of you that are gainfully employed, the knowledge that you can’t afford to quit your job or take the risk in changing careers.
Towards the end of last year, I was doing a lot of brainstorming and research for the kind of business that an individual can implement without significant interference with a regular salary job.
While search results showed several opportunities ranging from online stuffs (quite difficult to understand) to real estate (high capital involvement), I decided to come up with a list of what qualities the business should have.
They included:
Reasonable start-up capital (not more than N50k); there is no amount of money that is used in business that cannot be lost N50k or N50m; especially if you are just starting
Reasonable operating cost
Time involvement should be flexible enough as not to interfere significantly with a regular job
Profit margin should be greater than interest on fixed deposit or Treasury Bills (something more than 10% will be cool)
Potential for growth
As you would guess, it was quite difficult.
Nevertheless, I came across one that had some process I normally have issues with and that is network marketing. I closed my doors completely and didn’t give any attention.
However, with a second look I realized it is more of what I would refer to as an “Hybrid” i.e. a mix of both business and network marketing. In fact, after proper analysis and now experience, I figured out that there are more immediate business gains (Direct Income) than could be anticipated in the network marketing benefits (Passive Income).
So I decided to give it a shot; the business opportunity was revealed precisely in November 2011.
You can decide not to bother so much on the Network marketing; nonetheless, you will definitely make good profit. I have always wondered.
I have waited this long to benefit directly before sharing this with people, especially to you as an employee or unemployed person.
Just before you begin to think I wouldn’t tell you the name in NL, I will.
It is Oyinlewa Black Soap Marketing Business. I have wondered why I hardly find information with respect to this product and its sales here on Nairaland in spite of its transparency and genuineness up till now that I have been participating at least.
Let me highlight some of the benefits here as best as I can:
Direct Income
You will receive promotional items to boost your sales and marketing efforts.
I can assure you that you will have a margin of nothing less than 20% on this product You wouldn't believe it!
No Excessive Stocking of Product
From my explanation above, you would realize you won't have any cause to rent a shop or large warehouse to store the product. You can keep the product in any part of your house. This is a business you can start from home. The product comes in cartons and they are quite handy and easy to carry around.
Low start up Capital
You will need to get the product mentioned above after registering as a distributor. I will teach you how and where to get the product.
The amount you would pay varies from N7,000 to N28,000 it would also determine the amount of samples you would get.
If you would agree with me, this is a reasonable amount to experiment (to say the least) with a business.
Quality Product
Oyinlewa Black Soap is a proudly African product made from a perfect blend of natural ingredients. It is approved by NAFDAC. Black soap is generally accepted by Nigerians and Foreigners. It is very effective in the treatment of skin infections and it is very mild on d skin.
There is a multilevel marketing side of the business that does not put you under any pressure in anyway.
One of the issues I had with some MLM is that I couldn’t imagine myself selling health product to people without being qualified, I considered it a sensitive area.
However, I consider it very easy and comfortable for me telling people about soap- 90% of Nigerians use soap every day anyway.
Black soap is also used in Neighbouring African countries. It is also used in the western world. The truth is that the product can be sold within and outside Nigeria.
recharge card biz
Recharge card printing business is now one of the hottest means of making money offlinea, some years ago, many Nigerians made an attempt into recharge card business but most of them quit the business because of the little profit margin. the truth about it is that those who did n't run away from the business are making it big as at this year 2012. Before now Some of the major agents are the people who consumes most of the profits, infact some of the agent will never agree to sell their pins to you as they were also printing the cards of #100 and #200.
some of them will only sell their pin to you at the cost of #95 and you will resell to the road distributors at #96 making only one naira gain. How will many of them not quit the business.
to start some of the agents will insist that you must bring your laptop to thier office for the installation of the software. For example
Address; 117 Allen Avenue, Ikeja (Tantalizer Building)
Tel: 08032030771, 08060079090, 08054505959
Their software and installation price is N15,000 while their pin is sold @ #94 per #100 unit
some of the agents will demand that you will pay the sum of #50,000 just for the registration alone, though their own pin is a bit cheaper for example they sell theirs @ #93 per #100 unit
by March 2011 many companies were approved and granted licences to manufacture recharge cards by the Honourable Minister while some of them were in a secrect battle of whom will sell at the cheapest rate. from our research most of them sells as low as #83 per each #100 pin.
please when negotiating price with them,always tell them you are living within that particular location other wise they will refuse selling to you as it is part of their rules.For example if you are calling the company at Lagos from Enugu state they will ask you where you are calling from, immediatelly you said Enugu they will ask you to look for some of the agents within Enugu State
in this website you may be asking what is our concern as regard to the recharge card printing, we do print too and our mission is to help make a research on
1.where to get the cheapest pin. teach you how to use the
software or machine get you the software teach you how to protect your
self agaist fraud
5. to teach you how to market it show you the step by step on
how to do the printing in your
own house.
please take this note from us. Most of those guys who carries a radio programmes to teach you how to print recharge card always tell you that you can start with a minimum of #9,000.00. it's not true instead use that money and start another business of your choice as you may need money to get the following items
The things you need to start with are:
(a) A Computer ( you can buy any computer of your choice even fairly used)
(b) A Printer (Coloured or black and white) and A4 paper
(c) Software that generates the pin numbers (this will be installed in your computer)
(d) Bulk pins (this you will be buying to generate your pin numbers)
Address: Solutions Colony,
No. 1 Adegeyema Street, Off Allen
Avenue,Ikeja, Lagos
Tel; 08034235993,07027428739,
Bodlink vouchers software and web access – N5,000
Bodlink vouchers account N20,000
The POS terminal (P200 terminal) N25,000
Address; Pent house, 5th floor 6-8, New Isheri Road, Ikeja, Lagos.
TEL: O7084417543
this company sells for #87 per #100 pin but takes #20,000 for registration.they give you free 100 unit worth #10,000 as a bonus to start with after registration
Security Printing & Allied Solutions (SPAS)
308, Yunis Bashorun Street ,
Vi.ctory Island, Lagos.
Tel/Fax: 01-270 1991 – 4
Masterstroke Packages Limited
Paper House,
17, Iganmu Industrial Road ,
Surulere, Lagos.
224, Etim Inyang Crescent,
Victoria Island Extension,
Tel/Fax: 01-461 9605, 461 9606, 270 3647
Plot 419B, Euphrates Street ,
Maitama District, Abuja .
Tel: 09-222 0385
Fax: 09-222 1099
Cards Technology Limited,
24A, Campbell Street, Lagos.
Tel/Fax: 01-264 625, 01-264 6353, 01-264 635
Namitech W. A. Limited
32A, Gerrard Road, Ikoyi, Lagos .
Tel: +27 11 458 0000
Fax: +27 11 608 0952
Snecou Group of Companies
Plot 2107, Tafawa Balewa Way,
Area 3, Garki
Tel/Fax: 09 2341151
South Beach Company Limited (SBC)
1A, Tafawa Balewa Crescent,
Off Adeniran Ogunsanya Street,
Surulere, Lagos .
Tel/Fax: 01-7900810/5458665
Controcards Limited
Plot 289, Ajose Adeogun Street ,
Victoria Island, Lagos .
Tel: 01-4702733, 2611736
Advantel Limited,
Royal House,
Plot 88, Ajose Adeogun Street ,
Victoria Island, Lagos .
Tel/Fax: 01-5558699
PremiumIdeas Limited,
IBN House,
4, Ilabere Avenue ,
Ikoyi, Lagos .
Tel/Fax: 01-4614230, 01-4614716
Hemnung Investment Limited,
17, Calcutta Crescent ,
Apapa, Lagos .
Tel/Fax: 01-262 3997
Alfa Juliet Mangler Limited,
Plot 1023, Aso Drive ,
Asokoro, Abuja .
Tel/Fax: 09-524 0300
some of them will only sell their pin to you at the cost of #95 and you will resell to the road distributors at #96 making only one naira gain. How will many of them not quit the business.
to start some of the agents will insist that you must bring your laptop to thier office for the installation of the software. For example
Address; 117 Allen Avenue, Ikeja (Tantalizer Building)
Tel: 08032030771, 08060079090, 08054505959
Their software and installation price is N15,000 while their pin is sold @ #94 per #100 unit
some of the agents will demand that you will pay the sum of #50,000 just for the registration alone, though their own pin is a bit cheaper for example they sell theirs @ #93 per #100 unit
by March 2011 many companies were approved and granted licences to manufacture recharge cards by the Honourable Minister while some of them were in a secrect battle of whom will sell at the cheapest rate. from our research most of them sells as low as #83 per each #100 pin.
please when negotiating price with them,always tell them you are living within that particular location other wise they will refuse selling to you as it is part of their rules.For example if you are calling the company at Lagos from Enugu state they will ask you where you are calling from, immediatelly you said Enugu they will ask you to look for some of the agents within Enugu State
in this website you may be asking what is our concern as regard to the recharge card printing, we do print too and our mission is to help make a research on
1.where to get the cheapest pin. teach you how to use the
software or machine get you the software teach you how to protect your
self agaist fraud
5. to teach you how to market it show you the step by step on
how to do the printing in your
own house.
please take this note from us. Most of those guys who carries a radio programmes to teach you how to print recharge card always tell you that you can start with a minimum of #9,000.00. it's not true instead use that money and start another business of your choice as you may need money to get the following items
The things you need to start with are:
(a) A Computer ( you can buy any computer of your choice even fairly used)
(b) A Printer (Coloured or black and white) and A4 paper
(c) Software that generates the pin numbers (this will be installed in your computer)
(d) Bulk pins (this you will be buying to generate your pin numbers)
Address: Solutions Colony,
No. 1 Adegeyema Street, Off Allen
Avenue,Ikeja, Lagos
Tel; 08034235993,07027428739,
Bodlink vouchers software and web access – N5,000
Bodlink vouchers account N20,000
The POS terminal (P200 terminal) N25,000
Address; Pent house, 5th floor 6-8, New Isheri Road, Ikeja, Lagos.
TEL: O7084417543
this company sells for #87 per #100 pin but takes #20,000 for registration.they give you free 100 unit worth #10,000 as a bonus to start with after registration
Security Printing & Allied Solutions (SPAS)
308, Yunis Bashorun Street ,
Vi.ctory Island, Lagos.
Tel/Fax: 01-270 1991 – 4
Masterstroke Packages Limited
Paper House,
17, Iganmu Industrial Road ,
Surulere, Lagos.
224, Etim Inyang Crescent,
Victoria Island Extension,
Tel/Fax: 01-461 9605, 461 9606, 270 3647
Plot 419B, Euphrates Street ,
Maitama District, Abuja .
Tel: 09-222 0385
Fax: 09-222 1099
Cards Technology Limited,
24A, Campbell Street, Lagos.
Tel/Fax: 01-264 625, 01-264 6353, 01-264 635
Namitech W. A. Limited
32A, Gerrard Road, Ikoyi, Lagos .
Tel: +27 11 458 0000
Fax: +27 11 608 0952
Snecou Group of Companies
Plot 2107, Tafawa Balewa Way,
Area 3, Garki
Tel/Fax: 09 2341151
South Beach Company Limited (SBC)
1A, Tafawa Balewa Crescent,
Off Adeniran Ogunsanya Street,
Surulere, Lagos .
Tel/Fax: 01-7900810/5458665
Controcards Limited
Plot 289, Ajose Adeogun Street ,
Victoria Island, Lagos .
Tel: 01-4702733, 2611736
Advantel Limited,
Royal House,
Plot 88, Ajose Adeogun Street ,
Victoria Island, Lagos .
Tel/Fax: 01-5558699
PremiumIdeas Limited,
IBN House,
4, Ilabere Avenue ,
Ikoyi, Lagos .
Tel/Fax: 01-4614230, 01-4614716
Hemnung Investment Limited,
17, Calcutta Crescent ,
Apapa, Lagos .
Tel/Fax: 01-262 3997
Alfa Juliet Mangler Limited,
Plot 1023, Aso Drive ,
Asokoro, Abuja .
Tel/Fax: 09-524 0300
fish farming-my story
Be very patience in reading this
I started fish farming business some years ago, and am proud of myself and my farm, am still in the business and am really doing great, and am making my money as expected.
I visited a fish farm at alagbado area of Lagos state Nigeria, so few years back, where i discover that the man that owns the farm feed is fish from juvenile to standard table size with local feeds, he feed them 4times a day and in 6 to 7 months he harvest nothing less than 1kg to 2kg, what surprise me is that he use local feed all-through, which i confirm from some of his staff and i was so shock, because its hard for catfish farmers to use local feed although without using the foreign feed for some months, i consult the man to give me the formula he use, but he said no, this make me to sit down, think and do some more research on how to minimize feeding cost in Nigeria catfish farming since it take up to 70% of the investment.
I started by stocking 1000pcs of post fingerlings in a 15ft by 7ft by 4ft concrete pond, i feed the fish with coppens, twice a day, and they eat 4bags in the first month, which i weigh them and see they are 150 - 200grams, i was happy my idea is working, so i put more effort, the second month, i feed them with 6bags and the 3rd and 4th month i spent 27,000 in milling local feed for them, when i get to sell them, i see 1kg to 1.3kg at the 4th month, i was very happy that i got the idea, this apply to my fingerlings production too, i get 0.5 to 1.5gram of fish at 3weeks, and i feed them twice a day.
Calculation for the feeding of the 1000pcs of fish is 73,000. Some catfish farmers believe fish should be feed a #120 feed to attain 1kg, and some say a 1kg feed equals to 1kg fish. Assuming you are using foreign feed which is sold for #300, that means you will spend #300,000 in feeding 1000pcs of fish and your turn over will be #420,000, u will also calculate other things the fish money, the fuel e.t.c or you are using the local feed which sell for #170 that means you will spend #170,000, or you follow the saying of @120 equals to 1kg, that means you will spend #120,000 in feeding 1000pcs of fish, but i spend #70 on each fish which make #70,000 on the total fish and i sold all the fish for #469,830, which make me make more than what i expect as profit, and i spend less.
I started then as an experiment, now that's the method i use always, and i still achieve my aim.
The secret behind my success is that
1: I stock my own fish, which i know the source
2: I specify a permanent time of feeding my fish, i choose to feed them 7am in the morning and 7pm at night
3: I change the water every 3days, and i clean the pond always
4: I sort the fish every month
5: The most successful part is that i don't vaccine my fish, i really thanks GOD for that
6: I check them regularly to know their behavior
7: after the first two month, i switch to local feed, and i give them the right mixture, this is the money important of all, because all the ingredient must me accurate, it must not be too much and too less, because the fish will just be eating if for hungry sake, its like putting too much salt in rice or beans.
for any question
for good local feed formula
good health and fast growing catfish fingerlings, post fingerlings, juvenile
for consultancy in your farm
I started fish farming business some years ago, and am proud of myself and my farm, am still in the business and am really doing great, and am making my money as expected.
I visited a fish farm at alagbado area of Lagos state Nigeria, so few years back, where i discover that the man that owns the farm feed is fish from juvenile to standard table size with local feeds, he feed them 4times a day and in 6 to 7 months he harvest nothing less than 1kg to 2kg, what surprise me is that he use local feed all-through, which i confirm from some of his staff and i was so shock, because its hard for catfish farmers to use local feed although without using the foreign feed for some months, i consult the man to give me the formula he use, but he said no, this make me to sit down, think and do some more research on how to minimize feeding cost in Nigeria catfish farming since it take up to 70% of the investment.
I started by stocking 1000pcs of post fingerlings in a 15ft by 7ft by 4ft concrete pond, i feed the fish with coppens, twice a day, and they eat 4bags in the first month, which i weigh them and see they are 150 - 200grams, i was happy my idea is working, so i put more effort, the second month, i feed them with 6bags and the 3rd and 4th month i spent 27,000 in milling local feed for them, when i get to sell them, i see 1kg to 1.3kg at the 4th month, i was very happy that i got the idea, this apply to my fingerlings production too, i get 0.5 to 1.5gram of fish at 3weeks, and i feed them twice a day.
Calculation for the feeding of the 1000pcs of fish is 73,000. Some catfish farmers believe fish should be feed a #120 feed to attain 1kg, and some say a 1kg feed equals to 1kg fish. Assuming you are using foreign feed which is sold for #300, that means you will spend #300,000 in feeding 1000pcs of fish and your turn over will be #420,000, u will also calculate other things the fish money, the fuel e.t.c or you are using the local feed which sell for #170 that means you will spend #170,000, or you follow the saying of @120 equals to 1kg, that means you will spend #120,000 in feeding 1000pcs of fish, but i spend #70 on each fish which make #70,000 on the total fish and i sold all the fish for #469,830, which make me make more than what i expect as profit, and i spend less.
I started then as an experiment, now that's the method i use always, and i still achieve my aim.
The secret behind my success is that
1: I stock my own fish, which i know the source
2: I specify a permanent time of feeding my fish, i choose to feed them 7am in the morning and 7pm at night
3: I change the water every 3days, and i clean the pond always
4: I sort the fish every month
5: The most successful part is that i don't vaccine my fish, i really thanks GOD for that
6: I check them regularly to know their behavior
7: after the first two month, i switch to local feed, and i give them the right mixture, this is the money important of all, because all the ingredient must me accurate, it must not be too much and too less, because the fish will just be eating if for hungry sake, its like putting too much salt in rice or beans.
for any question
for good local feed formula
good health and fast growing catfish fingerlings, post fingerlings, juvenile
for consultancy in your farm
questions before starting
Here are just some of the key questions to ask yourself before going into fish farming.
1. Do you have sufficient financial resources available?
2. Do you own suitable land with a good source of high-quality water?
3. Do you own enough land and water necessary for a profitable venture?
4. Is there a high demand and sufficient market for your product?
5. Do you have the equipment and machinery necessary?
6. Is expected profit from fish farming greater than other land uses?
7. Can you really devote the money, time, and labour necessary?
Also consider the following:
Operating Costs: cost fingerlings, fish feed, electricity and fuel, labour, maintenance, drugs, transportation
Capital Costs: Land & buildings, Building ponds/raceways, Plumbing & pipes
Tanks & aerators, Oxygen meters, Nets & boots
Is there an established market for your fish?.
Is the market demand sufficient year round.?
Do yo have an alternative marketing strategy to rely on?
Physical: do you have a continuous source of clean water?
Does your soil have enough clay content to hold water?
Is the water temperature optimal for the fish species reared?
Do you have good and easy pond access to feeding and harvesting?
Are the pipes sufficient in size for quick draining and easy filling?
Is your residence near enough for direct observation and security?
Have you had your water tested?
Do you have a reliable source of fingerlings at affordable prices?
Do you have a reliable source of feed at reasonable cost?
Do you have a dependable staff?
What will be your production capacity?
What is the best fish species you want to grow?
Are you aware of the fish reproductive biology and nutritional needs?
Risk assessment:
Can you afford to lose your entire fish crop?
Can you conduct water quality tests?
Is pesticide, metal or oil contamination possible?
Can you deal with poachers and vandals?
Do you know where to go for information and help?
1. Do you have sufficient financial resources available?
2. Do you own suitable land with a good source of high-quality water?
3. Do you own enough land and water necessary for a profitable venture?
4. Is there a high demand and sufficient market for your product?
5. Do you have the equipment and machinery necessary?
6. Is expected profit from fish farming greater than other land uses?
7. Can you really devote the money, time, and labour necessary?
Also consider the following:
Operating Costs: cost fingerlings, fish feed, electricity and fuel, labour, maintenance, drugs, transportation
Capital Costs: Land & buildings, Building ponds/raceways, Plumbing & pipes
Tanks & aerators, Oxygen meters, Nets & boots
Is there an established market for your fish?.
Is the market demand sufficient year round.?
Do yo have an alternative marketing strategy to rely on?
Physical: do you have a continuous source of clean water?
Does your soil have enough clay content to hold water?
Is the water temperature optimal for the fish species reared?
Do you have good and easy pond access to feeding and harvesting?
Are the pipes sufficient in size for quick draining and easy filling?
Is your residence near enough for direct observation and security?
Have you had your water tested?
Do you have a reliable source of fingerlings at affordable prices?
Do you have a reliable source of feed at reasonable cost?
Do you have a dependable staff?
What will be your production capacity?
What is the best fish species you want to grow?
Are you aware of the fish reproductive biology and nutritional needs?
Risk assessment:
Can you afford to lose your entire fish crop?
Can you conduct water quality tests?
Is pesticide, metal or oil contamination possible?
Can you deal with poachers and vandals?
Do you know where to go for information and help?
catfish in nigeria 2
So lets begin on a small Scale,my personal advice is to start really small,There are basically different types of pond,to illustrate the small scale production i will use wooden ponds.
The first thing is to know how much you are willing to part with.
Assuming we start with 350-400k.
This is the cost of some things.
Pond Construction
For a 18 by 6 by 4 ft = 80-100k This amount depends on which professional helps u constructs it( This basically can take about 800-1000 juveniles)it should be a complete pond with both outflow and inflow pipes
Juveniles = Assuming u start with about 1000. at 30naira per fish(juveniles) =30k i personally advice some1 without prior knowledge about catfish farming to start with combo juveniles and stock small quantity.
Feeding =it basically depends on how big you want your fishes to grow ( personally i Started with 2bags per week and continued to 3bags -4bags per week using coppens) feeding should cost about = 40*5= 200k my personal advice feed with coppens for abt 3months then change to local formula.
Bio-Disc = 50-70k ( Although most people use it for health purpose,i use it for my fishes) pls google to find out more about it.
water supply = I am assuming that there should be constant supply of water ( no need to add that to your cost)
At this point i must add that i use bio-disc to purify my water and basically some other things.I strongly recommend bio-disc.
If you have any question at all pls ask me, i will be glad to help out.
Starting a catfish farm in Nigeria
Starting a catfish farm in Nigeria,really tired of going to all sites and evry1 is selling a book .
Here are some basic things you need to know or ask yourself.
[center]To help you determine if catfish farming is feasible for you in your
particular situation, a checklist is provided below. It does not cover
all of the possibilities, but it does list most of the important
Do you already have suitable ponds or a pond site?
Do you have most of the equipment ( pumps, etc.) needed?
Do you have the necessary financial resources?
Have you made an estimate of investment
costs and annual cost and return?
Have you estimated the impact of changes
in fish prices and feed costs on projected income?
Will the expected profit provide an adequate
return for your labor, management and risk?
Can you afford to forego income until you sell
your first crop (usually 4-6 months after starting)?
Can you afford to absorb occasional losses?
Are you willing to devote the time and effort required?
Do you know of an established market for your fish?
Is there a market for your fish at the time of year
you plan to sell them?
Will you have harvesting and transport equipment,
or do you have a suitable arrangement
for harvesting your fish?
Will you be able to harvest fish year round?
Do you have an alternative marketing strategy?
[b]Physical Factors
Is the topography of the land suitable
for pond construction?
Is there adequate ground water close enough to
the surface for catfish farming or is the amount
of rain run-off from your watershed sufficient?
Is the water quality suitable for your fish farming? This is very important.
Is the pond area protected from flooding?
Are the drains in existing ponds adequate
for rapid draining?
Is there daily access to the ponds, regardless of weather,
for feeding, treating, and harvesting?
Is the pond bottom suitable for harvesting
(smooth and stump free)?
Will someone live close enough to the pond to allow
frequent observation and necessary management?
Successful farmers must have a sound understanding
of the economics of their operation.
Here are some basic things you need to know or ask yourself.
[center]To help you determine if catfish farming is feasible for you in your
particular situation, a checklist is provided below. It does not cover
all of the possibilities, but it does list most of the important
Do you already have suitable ponds or a pond site?
Do you have most of the equipment ( pumps, etc.) needed?
Do you have the necessary financial resources?
Have you made an estimate of investment
costs and annual cost and return?
Have you estimated the impact of changes
in fish prices and feed costs on projected income?
Will the expected profit provide an adequate
return for your labor, management and risk?
Can you afford to forego income until you sell
your first crop (usually 4-6 months after starting)?
Can you afford to absorb occasional losses?
Are you willing to devote the time and effort required?
Do you know of an established market for your fish?
Is there a market for your fish at the time of year
you plan to sell them?
Will you have harvesting and transport equipment,
or do you have a suitable arrangement
for harvesting your fish?
Will you be able to harvest fish year round?
Do you have an alternative marketing strategy?
[b]Physical Factors
Is the topography of the land suitable
for pond construction?
Is there adequate ground water close enough to
the surface for catfish farming or is the amount
of rain run-off from your watershed sufficient?
Is the water quality suitable for your fish farming? This is very important.
Is the pond area protected from flooding?
Are the drains in existing ponds adequate
for rapid draining?
Is there daily access to the ponds, regardless of weather,
for feeding, treating, and harvesting?
Is the pond bottom suitable for harvesting
(smooth and stump free)?
Will someone live close enough to the pond to allow
frequent observation and necessary management?
Successful farmers must have a sound understanding
of the economics of their operation.
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